Different Meeting Room Setup Styles
OfficePlace is the perfect venue in Connecticut to host your meeting, small conference, training, or teaching event. We have several options for Connecticut meeting room and conference room rentals. Each meeting or conference we host usually has a different purpose and because of this, we have noticed that our meeting room renters use different meeting room setup styles for different types of events. Some types of meetings require a certain setup style in order for the meeting attendees to have an engaging and positive experience at the meeting. Read on to learn about the different meeting room setup styles.
Theater or Auditorium Style Meeting Room
This is the common and basic setup for any meeting that is going to have a speaker or teacher. It is a row of chairs facing the front of the room and is often divided by the center and has side aisles to allow access to the seats. The rows and columns should be equally spaced. If your meeting doesn’t require a lot of note-taking and you want to achieve the maximum capacity for seating, theater and auditorium-style should be a good choice for your meeting or conference. At OfficePlace, our Great Room would be a perfect selection for a theater or auditorium meeting set up.

The Great Room
Classroom Style Meeting Room Setup
Classroom Meeting Style is sometimes referred to as “the school style”. It mimics the arrangement of a school classroom which allows for chairs, desks, and tables to be arranged in front-facing rows so the meeting attendee can write, utilize a computer or tablet, or even consume food. Classroom style is most often used by people conducting training meetings or lectures. When using this style, avoid squeezing too many people together because they might not have adequate space to participate in the meeting comfortably. We recommend our Board Room or Great Room for this meeting room setup style.
Boardroom Style Meeting Room Setup
This style includes seats on all sides of a round or rectangular table. It is a perfect setup for a meeting that requires face-to-face interaction such as a board meeting or committee meetings. The number of meeting attendees determines how exactly the Boardroom Style Setup goes. A smaller group can usually get by with a single round or rectangular table, but a larger group may require tables that are joined together or placed in a way that forms a hollow square in the middle. Our Board Room would obviously be the best choice for this.

The Board Room
V-Shaped Meeting Room Setup Style
This setup is close to the classroom style, but the difference is the tables and chairs are turned upwards and inwards so that each person can easily see the speaker. It even allows the person at the end of the row to be able to see the speaker without a lot of trouble. Studies have shown that this setup increases and enhances concentration during meetings. Like the Classroom Style setup, it is a great choice for those who are hosting training and lectures. Our Great Room is a good choice for those who want to have a meeting with the V-Shaped Setup Style.