With a lot of the workforce still working remotely, employers have had to change up how they conduct interviews. Some choose to hold the interviews on video conferencing software such as Zoom or Webex but many employers still prefer to be in person while conducting interviews. Even if the interview cannot happen in the office, there are still options for renting out a meeting room to conduct interviews. OfficePlace offers many different meeting rooms and conference rooms to host interviews. With the hiring boom in full swing, our blog this week is going to focus on how to set up a meeting room for interviews.

How to Set Up a Meeting Room for Interviews

Pick a private meeting room that is in a quiet area of the building.
Not being able to hear the candidate’s answers or not having the candidate hear the interviewer’s question can ruin that interview for both people. It is best to also pick a room where you will not be consistently interrupted. Turning your attention to other people may make the potential employee think you are not interested in them. Closing the door and putting a do not disturb sign up should help keep any interruptions at bay. At OfficePlace, many of our conference and meeting rooms are set away from our larger offices so you will not get interrupted.

Set up the furniture in the correct way.
The way you set up your furniture says a lot about how you’re going to conduct the interview. You should place your chairs just a little over a meter apart so you can make eye contact with your candidate. If you have multiple people interviewing one candidate, make sure you have enough sets for them. It is also a good idea to make sure the seating is arranged in a way that allows the candidate and all of the interviewers to see each other. You should set up the meeting room furniture before the candidate comes in. This may give them a sense that your company thinks ahead and is organized.

Make sure you have the correct technology for the interview.
Some candidates prefer to bring along visual aids to their interviews. They may want to present slides to you on a laptop or tablet. Ideally, the meeting room should have access to high-speed internet, multiple electric outlets, and cable different cables. You can always ask the candidate what they will need ahead of time.

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